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  • Posted on November 14, 2017 at 10:59 pm

Our topic today will be instilling belief in your consciousness.  Belief is faith, is trust—and this can wane at times if one perceives a change in quality of transmissions.  Let this not discourage you as this is normal with humans and even with those of us in the spiritual world.  Energy is constantly changing and affects our actions and intentions.


Of course, on your Planet Earth at this time is much upheaval in the Earth itself as well as the inhabitants, who are confronted with different perceptions and much chaos as human beings express their true feelings about one another.  All of this has an effect on one’s steadiness along the path of spiritual progression.


We would like to impart to you today that ups and downs are to be expected in any journey, whether on a road or in one’s mind, or in the outer realms of life perception from your viewpoint as a physical being with unseen parts of Self.  The Self is dense parts as well as invisible parts and encompasses a position on the physical Planet Earth as well as the ethereal Spiritual home.  You are both and, as an embodiment, experience frequencies of both sides.  At times you feel as though you have no home even though you have a permanent home as a Soul.  This permanent portion of you is always with you and available to you when you seek refuge.  Quietness will bring you to this place of calmness and stability.


Your consciousness is your awareness of your world and beyond–even though you may identify with it as your mind, your thinking, your knowledge, and your presence as a human being.  In reality, your consciousness expands into your total being awareness, extending into your ethereal Self and “knowing.”  You may visualize your mind as your brain and a part of your body; however, it extends into your full being and, at times, you are aware of other “worlds” and may believe it is your imagination, a vision, or a dream creation.  However, your “knowing” is reaching into magnifications of your total being as part of the Universe and God Energy.


Love Yourself

  • Posted on November 14, 2017 at 10:14 pm

Newsletter_May2017_sun1In the beginning you were a child of God.   In the end you are a child of God.

Always it is the human’s wish to fit in with others.  Why does that happen?

Because all humans feel a bit uncomfortable with themselves even though they may appear to be confident and sure of their goals and path and everyday wishes.  Inside, there is a tiny glow of doubt.  Being with others can be comforting if one is seeking companionship or like-mindedness or confirmation that one is doing “the right thing.”

Inside also dwells the Heart of God.  That is your Soul Self we speak of, and that is your internal guidance for the time you spend on Planet Earth.  That very part of you is the most important teacher in your lifespan on Earth, for that is your true self and hold the plans to your chosen experience here at this time.

Do you know you have the ability to heal yourself?  The knowledge to heal yourself?  You alone have more knowledge about your being than all the doctors on this planet.  You have the key to yourself.

Discovery of the true self simply requires quietness, inward reflection, or a peaceful environment.

Five minutes a day of Peace can bring tremendous insight into your peaceful self.  There, inside, is the love you have been seeking from others, from pleasures, from anything you can possess.  No outside source of love can compete with the love you have for yourself.  This is the pure love from which you were created.  This is the real you.

The body requires care and respect and does not relish harsh words from its occupant.  Treat your body–and talk to your body–as if it were your most precious child that you love with all your heart and soul.  For, it is . . .



Take Steps Each Day

  • Posted on November 29, 2016 at 12:23 am

2016-11-newsletter_dual_clouds1Every little step of the way you will feel as though you do not know what direction you are going or what direction you are to go.  However, we encourage you to take steps each day because each step takes you in the direction of your spiritual learning quest.  To learn is to reap the benefits of communicating with your Guides and with loved ones in the Spirit World–even “strangers” in the Spirit World.  We are here to assist all mankind/womankind if only you will ask.  For, as you are aware, we must have your permission to enter into your daily life or any part of your life.

We constantly feed information to you as you are thinking, as you are sleeping, as you are questioning life, and as you are looking to us for knowledge, we shall say.

You must uphold your physical life and your physical body to survive your Earth journey and enhance your Soul’s knowledge base.  However, each moment you think of your Guides, of Prime Source, or of your desire to know more–you have contacted us with permission to send messages, whisper in your ear, or bring vibrant dreams to your night state.  So, you see, you are continually learning and growing and making choices.

Continue to find joy in your creations and do not despair when you see what others do.  As we like to remind our Human Soul Friends, each of us is unique and has gifts that no other can reproduce 100%.  Each of us has a pathway and a mission–and that uniqueness benefits the world in which you live as well as the overall growth of the many–the One.  Every change on your planet changes the All–the One.  All of us (Souls) influence in a great way the expansion of the One.

You are You.  You are Divine.  You are a God Soul.


Choose your Path Consciously

  • Posted on September 6, 2016 at 8:44 pm

facebook_102815_Magic SunsetWe will give you information to help you achieve all that you are.  Your part is to meditate and grow.  We say this with love and affection.  For today, you will be busy, and that way your mind will let go.  Many others are like you, so they will benefit from this knowledge when you share it.

Your focus is there.  One thing at a time, we would say.

And, lose the worry mode.  There is absolutely no reason or benefit to worry.  That is simply a stall tactic and holds you back from what you wish to accomplish.

It is that other part of humans that doubts.  We are talking about the inner voice you hear.  Just say “no” when it speaks.  Train your mind to stay on the positive track.

Imagine two pathways.  One goes forward, is smooth and surrounded by beauty and leads to beauty.  That is the one you want to take, to stay on.  The other is up and down and backwards and difficult and dark and scary–don’t choose that one.  Ask yourself each day which path you want to follow.

It is a choice–but it must be a CONSCIOUS choice.

Magnificent Earth

  • Posted on August 31, 2016 at 4:44 pm

Pure AirWe are your teachers and guides, and we hear your wishes to bring information to your fellow earthlings to help them through the transitions that are occurring in your lives and to provide information that will assist them in awakening–much as you would want to learn more and follow your path daily.

For this evening, we shall talk about the beginnings of Earth changes.  In order to understand what the planet Earth feels and experiences you would put yourself into the Earth’s core and see that you are the spark of God energy that directs the Earth.  For Earth is a living, breathing being just as those of you who live upon the surface.  Inside Earth is a heart and soul and inner guidance system.  And, above, the Earth also has teachers and guides to advise and assist her through her journey to become the perfection that she is.  Planets have agreements, also, with the higher order of the Universe.  Everything in existence strives to be the light that it is, as it was created, as it was manifested.

Humans play an important role in the existence of Earth for they are created from the Earth’s DNA and are more than caretakers.  They are part of Earth even though they view themselves as different and living upon Earth.  They are indeed living in Earth.  Therefore, if Earth changes, grows, or suffers, the humans do likewise.  It is wise always to praise Earth and to thank Earth for life and beauty and her efforts to become a planet of higher vibration, of higher existence–and to recognize all must work together to achieve the energies of ascension and love vibration.

Simply said, give thanks to Earth each day–for without Earth your soul’s experience in growth and awakening would not be possible at this pace.  In your words and prayers of gratitude include thoughts for Earth itself.  Be a part of Earth, and feel the energy of the Earth as part of you.

We look to the heavens and our soul self to free us.  Equally, look to your Earth self and know that you are living and breathing because of your relationship with Earth.  You belong here for now and extend from the core of your planet out into the expanses that you can only imagine.

It is magnificent.


Choose Which Way Is Important

  • Posted on August 26, 2016 at 3:26 am

Bicolor March2012Your questions are many, and your actions are few.  Confusion, perhaps.  The road is filled with choices, and one must choose which way is important on more than one level, yes?

First, you are a human–and your existence has needs, daily needs.  So, we suggest to you to take care of your human now–and that much more spiritual knowledge and nurturing will pour from the Heavens.  Quickly, both of you will change–the physical and the spiritual as you like to name those parts of yourself.

Change comes quickly when you love yourself by taking care of yourself.  You have a desired self-image–know it again–now!

Crafting your Life

  • Posted on August 14, 2016 at 9:39 pm

Newsltr_Mar2015_Smiling HollyhockToday the lesson is on crafting.  Crafting your life.  Crafting your friends.  We use this word because it connotes shaping.  Do you believe that you can shape your life–or do you believe that it is already laid out before you like a flat highway?

Crafting is done in ways that you might not think.  Building an ark is a type of crafting; building a relationship is quite another.  Your mind comprehends.  What if you built an object first in your mind as you would a relationship?  That is, what if you allowed the object to participate and you listened to its voice?  Oh, absurd, you say.  How do you know–if your ears are untrained to hear the tiny voice that you override?  A blade of grass may have something to say; you may not hear it if you do not think you can.

Let’s take that word–can.  Imagine that can is a big soda can–a giant-sized one that you can sit inside–somewhat like a playhouse in the middle of your office or thinking room.  When you enter this can, there are infinite possibilities, reality is stretched, and anything can happen.  This is a new experience, and anything that happened before in your life (this one) does not influence you.  What if you allow thoughts to flow through you and accept them just as you would a dream or a communication in meditation?  In life, there are no limits.  Thoughts are limiting because humans put them there.  It matters where you are when you have the thought because you have developed a pattern of thinking.  It is okay to have wild dreams–as long as you are asleep.  It is not okay to have wild dreams while you are sitting at your desk.  Is this what you believe?  Then you see that you are limiting your creativity.