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Crafting your Life

  • Posted on August 14, 2016 at 9:39 pm

Newsltr_Mar2015_Smiling HollyhockToday the lesson is on crafting.  Crafting your life.  Crafting your friends.  We use this word because it connotes shaping.  Do you believe that you can shape your life–or do you believe that it is already laid out before you like a flat highway?

Crafting is done in ways that you might not think.  Building an ark is a type of crafting; building a relationship is quite another.  Your mind comprehends.  What if you built an object first in your mind as you would a relationship?  That is, what if you allowed the object to participate and you listened to its voice?  Oh, absurd, you say.  How do you know–if your ears are untrained to hear the tiny voice that you override?  A blade of grass may have something to say; you may not hear it if you do not think you can.

Let’s take that word–can.  Imagine that can is a big soda can–a giant-sized one that you can sit inside–somewhat like a playhouse in the middle of your office or thinking room.  When you enter this can, there are infinite possibilities, reality is stretched, and anything can happen.  This is a new experience, and anything that happened before in your life (this one) does not influence you.  What if you allow thoughts to flow through you and accept them just as you would a dream or a communication in meditation?  In life, there are no limits.  Thoughts are limiting because humans put them there.  It matters where you are when you have the thought because you have developed a pattern of thinking.  It is okay to have wild dreams–as long as you are asleep.  It is not okay to have wild dreams while you are sitting at your desk.  Is this what you believe?  Then you see that you are limiting your creativity.